Image via CrunchBase
I am sure most of you have heard of online whiteboards and applications like Elluminate well Twiddla is very much like these types of applications. At its core it allows you to easily set up a common Twiddla session complete with audio and text chat. You have a suite of editing tools which include drawing, text bubbles, media import and the biggest reason to use Twiddla, web page importing. Drop any URL into the Twiddla online browser and voila you can mark up that page however you want. All this is done online with no downloads, no signups and a very easy invitation form to invite other attendees.
So how can you use Twiddla for Education:
- Have distance students attend a session where you use Twiddla like a physical Whiteboard. Like a lecture.
- Open a Wikipedia page and show where it is inaccurate or accurate. You can then browse to different webpages and dynamically change those new sites.
- Have a collaborative brainstorming session.
- Solve Math problems either collaboratively or in the form of a lecture.
- Upload images and mark them up.
- Upload documents to send to all attendees.
- With the ability to embed other widgets the possibilities really open up and allow a whole new host of things that are possible.
That’s what I would do but I don’t have the opportunities that some of you have so let me know what you would use it for or what you use Elluminate for and share the love.